Charlotte (2-3 hour shoot – attractive female 18-35 years old)
Pay: $400 for 2-3 hour segment
This role of Charlotte has all of the following:
- Off-camera nudity showing only the back view
- Topless and waring panties
- Full nudity but vagina is hidden by light in post editing
Charlotte is in a research lab that has three scenes.
Scene 1: Charlotte finds herself fully dressed in a laboratory with no one else there. She has a metal collar on. A voice instructs her to undress when she resists the collar shocks her until she undresses. The actress completely undresses but the camera shows only the top part of the body followed by the feet and legs then moves up toward the actress’s privates but cuts away before anything is shown. The actress may wear a modesty garment (G-string) allowing for the sides of the body to appear nude.
Scene 2: Charlotte is standing in a stasis tube with a front glass window. She is non-responsive and is covered from the waist down by the front of the tube but is topless. When she wakes up, she screams and is suddenly on an examination table.
Scene 3: Charlotte is on the examination table with tubes in her arms and legs and electrodes on her body. She is nude but anything below the waist will be hidden in post-editing by light manipulation. The actress’s hips and sides of the body will be visible and not manipulated out. She is tied to the table and cannot move. The restraints will be designed so the actress can easily remove them, so there is no real restriction. There is no physical contact while the actor is undressed.
FINAL NUDITY PROJECTED: No theatre audience member will ever see anything other than the actress’s breasts, side of butt, and side of hips but the actress will be nude during scenes 1 and 3. Private areas below the waist will be covered in post with a light washout or avoided by camera movement. All footage not included in the final cut of the film will be destroyed and never distributed or viewed by anyone other than the editor and director. All sets will be closed with only a minimum of crew in attendance 2-3 people. The actress will be treated professionally and covered at all times when not shooting as the set is prepared.